Call Recorder 2015: A Lifesaver for Busy Professionals


In today’s fast-paced world, remembering every detail of a phone call can be a challenge. For busy professionals, capturing important information and agreements discussed over the phone becomes crucial. Missing key points or relying solely on memory can lead to misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and lost opportunities.


Call Recorder 2015, an Android app developed by UGi, emerged as a lifesaver for these professionals. The app offered a simple yet powerful solution for recording and managing phone calls:

  • Effortless Recording: Automatically record incoming and outgoing calls without manually toggling a button, ensuring no important conversation slips through the cracks.
  • Smart Call Selection: For those with numerous calls, the option to selectively record based on contacts or criteria eliminates unnecessary storage use.
  • Organized Storage: Easily access past recordings with clear caller information, date, and time, making it effortless to find specific conversations.
  • Enhanced Playback: Listen to recordings, add notes for clarity, and even share them (Pro version) for better collaboration and record-keeping.
  • Flexible Formats: Choose from multiple audio formats like AMR, MP3, MP4, and 3GP, balancing sound quality with file size for efficient storage.
  • Enhanced Security: Protect your recordings with a password, ensuring only authorized access and maintaining privacy.
  • Cloud Backup: Integrate with Google Drive and Dropbox (Pro version) for seamless backup and accessibility across devices.


Call Recorder 2015 quickly became an indispensable tool for professionals across various industries:

  • Sales representatives: Recorded calls helped capture client requirements, agreements, and follow-up details, leading to improved deal conversion rates.
  • Journalists: Capturing interviews and conversations on-the-go ensured accurate quotes and information for their articles.
  • Customer service agents: Referring back to past interactions improved service quality and resolved customer issues more efficiently.
  • Students: Recording lectures and discussions enhanced note-taking and revision, leading to better academic performance.

Beyond Efficiency:

Call Recorder 2015 not only boosted productivity but also offered peace of mind and legal protection:

  • Dispute Resolution: Recordings served as reliable evidence in case of misunderstandings or disagreements, protecting user interests.
  • Personal Notes: Capturing personal conversations for sentimental value or future reference added a new dimension to the app’s usefulness.


Call Recorder 2015 exemplifies how innovative mobile solutions can address everyday challenges. By simplifying call recording, organization, and accessibility, the app empowered professionals to stay informed, improve efficiency, and protect their interests. UGi’s expertise in user-centric design and intuitive functionality made Call Recorder 2015 a valuable asset for individuals and businesses alike.