Delivering Efficiency with a Last-Mile Delivery App


A leading logistics company faced increasing customer demands for faster, more convenient deliveries in a competitive and dynamic urban environment. Their existing manual dispatch and tracking system was inefficient, resulting in slow delivery times, inaccurate tracking, and poor customer communication.


The logistics company partnered with UGi to develop a custom last-mile delivery app. The app offered the following features:

  • Real-time Order Tracking: Customers received real-time updates on their delivery status, enhancing transparency and peace of mind.
  • Optimized Route Planning: The app utilized advanced algorithms to optimize delivery routes, reducing travel time and fuel consumption.
  • Dynamic Driver Dispatch: Based on location and workload, the app intelligently assigned deliveries to the closest available driver, improving efficiency and resource utilization.
  • Proof of Delivery: Drivers captured digital signatures and photos upon delivery, streamlining post-delivery processes and reducing disputes.
  • Customer Feedback: Customers could seamlessly provide feedback through the app, helping the company improve service quality and address issues promptly.


The last-mile delivery app delivered significant improvements for the logistics company:

  • 20% Reduction in Delivery Times: Optimized routes and efficient driver dispatch led to faster deliveries, exceeding customer expectations.
  • 30% Increase in Customer Satisfaction: Real-time tracking and improved communication led to higher customer satisfaction scores.
  • 15% Reduction in Operational Costs: Optimized routes and efficient resource allocation contributed to significant cost savings.
  • Improved Driver Productivity: The app streamlined drivers’ workflows, enabling them to complete more deliveries per day.
  • Enhanced Data-driven Decision Making: Real-time data insights allowed the company to identify areas for improvement and optimize their overall delivery operations.

Driver Testimonial:

“This app has made my job so much easier! I can now see my deliveries, plan my route efficiently, and get all the information I need right on my phone. It’s saved me time, reduced stress, and helped me deliver better service to our customers.”


UGi’s last-mile delivery app successfully addressed the challenges faced by the logistics company. By optimizing routes, improving communication, and streamlining workflows, the app delivered faster deliveries, reduced costs, and enhanced customer satisfaction. This case study demonstrates the power of UGi’s expertise in developing innovative logistics solutions that can transform last-mile delivery operations and achieve competitive advantage.